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Kirchhayn Trotters 4-H Club

Since 1953, our 4-H club tradition has been passed on from one generation to the next.
Today, we are 70 members strong, all belonging to the Kirchhayn Trotters family. Along with these members there are many special project leaders who encourage learning, cooperation, and leadership. The club participates in many community service activities including, Jacob Eickstedt Comfort Bag Project, blanket making, Salvation Army bell ringing, giving to the local food pantry, and many more.
Our club meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 at St. John’s Lutheran Church. We always welcome new members to the club.
For more information about the 4-H club or other 4-H programs, contact: Rachel Demmon at

Welcome to the
Kirchhayn Trotters
4-H Club

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