Kirchhayn Trotters 4-H Club
How to enroll in 4-H New Families and Re-Enrolling Families — Here’s what to do:
Washington County 4-H enrollment is done through the 4-H Online enrollment site. Go to to enroll/re-enroll today!
Whether you are a new or returning family, the 4-H Online 2.0 Family Enrollment Guide will help you through enrolling in Washington County 4-H.
If you are a new family, start with Creating a New 4-H Online Account on page 3. After you create your login account, you will be prompted to Add a New Member to the Family right away. To add additional family members, click on the Add Member button on your family member list screen.
If you are a returning family, start with Logging in to an Existing 4-H Online Account on page 2. To re-enroll any existing adult or youth member, click on the Enroll Now link for the member on your family member list screen. Instructions for re-enrolling a youth start on page 7 and instructions for adults on page 11.
The following information applies to all youth enrolled in community clubs through Washington County 4-H Youth Development.
4-H YEAR: A 4-H year runs from October 1st through the following September 30th.
MEMBERSHIP: In accordance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, membership in Washington County 4-H is open to all persons without regard to race, color, ethnic background, or economic circumstances and this organization does not operate on a segregated basis.
During the enrollment period, clubs should make a deliberate effort to make 4-H available to all eligible youth in their geographic area.
GRADE: 4-H members must be in K5 – 13th grade. Youth may enroll for one year after high school graduation.
CLOVERBUDS: Youth 5 years old and in K5 through second grade can be enrolled with the club as a Cloverbud. All Cloverbud members can exhibit at the fair in a Cloverbud division where a participation ribbon is awarded. See Cloverbud Guidelines.
EXPLORING: First year 4-H members (in 3rd or 4th grade) are recommended to enroll in the Exploring project in order to discover the wide range of project options available.
ENROLLMENT POLICIES: New members are welcomed and encouraged to join 4-H at any time, however there are certain privileges and opportunities that come with registering by certain dates. Both returning and new members enroll via 4HOnline at
Enrollment for the current year opens SEPTEMBER 5 on 4HOnline.
Re-enrolling members must enroll using 4HOnline by NOVEMBER 1.
DECEMBER 1 is the deadline for re-enrolling members to add livestock projects (beef, sheep, swine, and dairy) if wanting to exhibit livestock at the next summer County Fair. It is also the deadline for new members to enroll and add livestock projects (beef, sheep, swine, and dairy) if wanting to exhibit livestock at the next summer County Fair.
JANUARY 15 is the deadline for re-enrolling members to add non-livestock projects if wanting to exhibit in those projects at that year's County Fair. It is also the deadline for dropping projects on 4HOnline on your own. If you drop after this date, you need to contact the UW-Extension Office to have a 4-H staff member do it for you.
MARCH 1 is the deadline for new members to enroll and add non-livestock projects if wanting to exhibit in those projects at that year's County Fair.
*You can add projects outside these deadlines and exhibit at County Fair but you will not receive a premium in those project areas.